Emily Rigby

Cannabis Industry and Cultivation Consultant Emily is a Cannabis Industry and Cultivation Consultant, and Director of both the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association (AMCA) and Protected Cropping Australia (PCA), Australia’s peak industry body for greenhouse and hydroponic growers.

About this speaker

Emily Rigby is a research scientist who has been working in the field of Medical Cannabis since legislative changes came into effect in Australia in 2016. 

Emily is a passionate advocate for Medical Cannabis – promoting patient access, education, research, industry development and regulatory reform. Since 2016, Emily has played an integral role in developing the Australian medicinal cannabis industry, including establishing a licenced medical cannabis cultivation and research facility and releasing Australian grown cannabis medicine into the Australian and export markets. Her expertise include propagation and cultivation methods, facility design, post-harvest, licensing and permit applications, regulatory compliance, patient access, education, and research from seed to patient. 

Emily is dedicated to removing the stigma surrounding the Cannabis plant, facilitating the Australian medical cannabis industry and improving patient access. Emily was recently recognised for her contribution and active leadership role in the cannabis industry and broader community, being awarded Australia’s ‘Woman in Weed’ in the 2021 Australian Cannabis Awards.

Prior to working in the field of Medical Cannabis, Emily worked in ornamental horticulture. Emily’s background consists of over 10 years of horticultural research, with expertise including propagation and cultivation methods, protected cropping, nursery and plantation management, post-harvest technology, export market access and new product development. Emily’s research into the Australian native Umbrella fern led to the successful domestication and first commercial plantation of this high-value floriculture product. Emily is former President of the Australian Society of Horticultural Science (2016-2021) and 2016 Nuffield Australia Farming Scholar. Emily previously taught scientific research methods at the University of the Sunshine Coast for 9 years, where she completed her Bachelor of Science and first-class honours in horticulture.


ACS Speakers Panel Session

27 November 2021, 03:25 AM
Teresa Towpik Bonnie Goldstein Michael Balderstone Orit Holtzman Nathaniel Jones Imran Khan Dustin Sulak Brian White Carrie Newbold Tristan Hyodo Emily Rigby Jamie Rickcord John Teh David Bearman Laurence Kemp Gull Herzberg

Genetics and Breeding of Medical Cannabis

27 November 2021, 06:40 AM
Emily Rigby