Dr Gull Herzberg BSc (Hons), MBBS (USyd), FRACGP

Southern Cross Medical Specialists, Fibonacci Healing Cannabis Medicine. Practicing at Southern Cross Medical Specialists, Coffs Harbour Gull is a GP based on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. He specialises in solutions for patients suffering from chronic pain, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and mood disturbance (amongst other issues) which may be due to any number of conditions or diseases.

About this speaker

Dr Herzberg practices Integrative Medicine, which means that, in addition to a conventional medical approach, he also considers and uses other approaches that may not have been considered previously. As far as possible he uses an Evidence-Based Medicine approach.

Amongst other clinical modalities, Gull has been prescribing Medical Cannabis since 2017.

He is a keen collaborator and in addition to his clinical work, including involvement with Local Health District and Primary Health Network health system improvement processes in order to help “the right people get the right treatment in the right place at the right time”.

He has a passion for Digital Health, is a founding Director of the Australian & New Zealand College of Cannabinoid Practitioners, and sits on the board of the Karl McManus Foundation.

He is available for consultations in person and via Telehealth.

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The Entourage Effect

26 November 2021, 12:15 AM
Gull Herzberg

ACS Speakers Panel Session

27 November 2021, 03:25 AM
David Bearman Carrie Newbold Michael Balderstone Teresa Towpik Nathaniel Jones Brian White Gull Herzberg Tristan Hyodo Bonnie Goldstein John Teh Orit Holtzman Dustin Sulak Emily Rigby Imran Khan Jamie Rickcord Laurence Kemp

ANZCCP Patient Case Study Mash Up

27 November 2021, 05:35 AM
Imran Khan Gull Herzberg Orit Holtzman