Dr Imran Khan

Founding Board Member, Australian & New Zealand College of Cannabinoid Practitioners Dr Imran Khan completed his medical training at The Sheffield School of Medicine (UK) in 2001. He has held clinical leadership roles in the UK, Australia & Qatar and is currently the Medical Director of Warringah Medical Centre (NSW).

About this speaker

Dr Khan is a UK trained Family Medical Practitioner, an advocate for the therapeutic use of medicinal cannabis. He is an ‘Authorised Prescriber’ of medicinal cannabis (approved by the TGA) and an educator in the field.

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Medical Cannabis for Anxiety Depression and Insomnia

26 November 2021, 03:35 AM
Imran Khan

ACS Speakers Panel Session

27 November 2021, 03:25 AM
Laurence Kemp Brian White Gull Herzberg Orit Holtzman Jamie Rickcord Tristan Hyodo John Teh Emily Rigby Michael Balderstone Dustin Sulak David Bearman Teresa Towpik Carrie Newbold Imran Khan Nathaniel Jones Bonnie Goldstein

ANZCCP Patient Case Study Mash Up

27 November 2021, 05:35 AM
Imran Khan Gull Herzberg Orit Holtzman