Imran Khan Orit Holtzman Gull Herzberg

ANZCCP Patient Case Study Mash Up

A Talk by Dr Gull Herzberg BSc (Hons), MBBS (USyd), FRACGP , Dr Orit Holtzman and Dr Imran Khan

About this Talk

The case study mash up sessions were one of the most popular segments of last year’s event. This year Dr Orit Holtzman, Dr Imran Khan and Dr Gull Herzberg are sharing their medical cannabis case studies with the viewers of the Australian Cannabis Summit 2021.

27 November 2021, 05:35 AM

05:35 AM - 05:55 AM

About The Speakers

Gull Herzberg

Dr Gull Herzberg BSc (Hons), MBBS (USyd), FRACGP

Southern Cross Medical Specialists, Fibonacci Healing Cannabis Medicine. Practicing at Southern Cross Medical Specialists, Coffs Harbour

Gull is a GP based on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales. He specialises in solutions for patients suffering from chronic pain, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and mood disturbance (amongst other issues) which may be due to any number of conditions or diseases.

Orit Holtzman

Dr Orit Holtzman

Chief Medical Officer, Compass Lifestyle Clinics

Dr Orit Holtzman is the Chief Medical Officer of Compass Lifestyle Clinics where she practices functional and cannabinoid medicine.

Imran Khan

Dr Imran Khan

Founding Board Member, Australian & New Zealand College of Cannabinoid Practitioners

Dr Imran Khan completed his medical training at The Sheffield School of Medicine (UK) in 2001. He has held clinical leadership roles in the UK, Australia & Qatar and is currently the Medical Director of Warringah Medical Centre (NSW).